
Showing posts from August, 2017

Chapter 4: Architectus Reloadus vs Architectus Oryzus

So, who needs architects anyways? Here lies one of the most important roles in the software world the unstoppable Architectus Reloadus. After reading the article, it reminded me of an image picturing 2 groups of people; each group having either a boss or a leader commanding them. While the boss was just instructing where to go and what to do, the leader was working with its group. This is the same analogy we get in the article with the 2 types of architects mentioned, the  Architectus Reloadus  and the  Architectus Oryzus . Architectus Reloadus  is the architect that proclaims himself as the  most important part of the project , as the design is made only by him, leaving the other developers to follow. While the  Architectus Oryzus  works within the team to improve the team’s level so they can approach harder and more complex issues. In other words, the Architectus Oruzys  is a guide, skillful enough for being the anchor of the team, and clearly selfless, as he works at the

Chapter 3: The return of the Lego´s

Once again, my life was faced again with ethical dilemmas, world changing questions, and some comparisons between Lego bricks and a component in this software architecture course. Original poster of that class This time´s blog is aimed towards the chapter 14 from Pete Goodliffe’s book “Code Craft: The Practice of Writing Excellent Code.”, where the topic of software architecture foundations was approached. As well as conventional architecture, it isn’t the act of building that we are focusing on, neither on the design of the building, but in the design of the blueprints (And that’s how far my “conventional architecture” knowledge goes). However, there are a lot of other topics covered abroad building blueprints, starting with points of view , components, and the different styles used to design software architecture . I think that many of us (programmers) may jump directly into software design and then immediately start coding. And while that extra step before coding helps

Chapter 2: Moon Machines = Moochines?

So last class we saw "Moon Machines: Navigation Computer" and it was very interesting for me to see all the things that went on "backstage" for making the moon landing a reality. All the calculations, optimizations, new developed technology and the people behind it were truly amazing, as well as making ground breaking technology on the go. Apollo navigation system But the thing that interested me the most was the process of how they got an initial model and then they built from there; making it smaller, more resistant, optimizing space, response time, number of processes and prioritization rules. It all started when the contract went to the MIT to develop the guidance system, even though the budding industry that had already built guidance systems was not considered. The initial navigation system was based on inertia, physical resistance of any object to any chance in motion, tested with success on an airplane, only diverging from its

Chapter 1: Discovering I chose the incorrect career ft. Lego Bricks.

Welcome to my first blog entry, I´m your host  Esteban Gil , in this chapter I will introduce myself and some other insights about my feelings towards this course. First let´s get rid of the (academical) elephant off the room; my expectations from the  Software Design and Architecture Course . I would like to  understand and have the ability to differentiate between different types of architecture, know their advantages and disadvantages, and learn to develop my own . I haven't had any experience on the topic, and haven't coded in Ruby, so this is going to be all new for me. Also, I haven´t taken a class fully in English for years, so that will be interesting. Also, it´s my first class with Ariel, so I have great expectations of this class. Here we can see Steve, reflection on his poor life choices... again... And now my hobbies and personal interests, as well as books, music, movies and programs I have enjoyed. I consider myself an avid gamer, specially in  Super