Chapter 9: Microservice Architecture: A whole new Architectural world.

After reading the article, I started relating microservice architecture with the activity we made when we talked about components and Lego bricks in class: This type of architecture is made of smaller and independent services that are linked together to form a concrete service. With the image below, we can see a clear representation of how this is conceptualized.

However, there is a small detail that separates microservices from monolithic services; while the later gathers all functionality into a single process, the microservice separates each part of the functionality into a separate service, allowing scaling with distribution of the services, replicating as needed. This is the aspect I liked the most; low key planned modularity for software architecture (or at least that’s how I see it)

There are a lot of interesting features of this type of architecture (with a heavy approach to encapsulation, as I dare to confirm), such as Componentization via Services, Organized around Business Capabilities, Focus on Products over Projects, Smart endpoints and dumb pipes, Decentralized Governance and Data Management, Infrastructure Automation, Designed for failure, and Evolutionary Design.

At the end of the article, the author asks if this type of Architecture is the future, and being politically correct, James Lewis and Martin Fowler implied that not enough time has passed to consider this the future type of Architecture. But, as I´m not politically correct, I will give my point of view. Maybe Microservice will not be the close future for Software Architecture, but as far as I have read about the topic, I think it´s getting close to a utopic approach on how modularity is the key to developing great software. Reusability, compatibility and usability with other microservices may be the one important concept that (I think), with its development, the way we make the planning and design phases in our projects will improve the way we deliver stable and reliable software. 

Lewis James and Fowler Martin. (2014). Microservices. Available on:


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